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Go client for K2V, an experimental small object key-value storage engine built as part of Garage.
Because the K2V API is not stable, breaking changes in this Go module should be expected until then.
import k2v "code.notaphish.fyi/milas/garage-k2v-go"
Create API client
endpoint := "http://localhost:3904"
// Read K2V_KEY_ID and K2V_SECRET_KEY from OS environment variables.
key := k2v.KeyFromEnv()
// key := k2v.Key{ID: "GK49e661847883e4813993a0db", Secret: "..."}
client := k2v.NewClient(endpoint, key)
type Client
func NewClient(endpoint string, key Key, opts ...ClientOption) *Client
func (c *Client) Clone(opts ...ClientOption) *Client
func (c *Client) Close()
func (c *Client) DeleteItem(ctx context.Context, b Bucket, pk string, sk string, ct CausalityToken) error
func (c *Client) InsertBatch(ctx context.Context, b Bucket, items []BatchInsertItem) error
func (c *Client) InsertItem(ctx context.Context, b Bucket, pk string, sk string, ct CausalityToken, item []byte) error
func (c *Client) PollItem(ctx context.Context, b Bucket, pk string, sk string, ct CausalityToken, timeout time.Duration) (Item, CausalityToken, error)
func (c *Client) ReadBatch(ctx context.Context, b Bucket, q []ReadBatchSearch) ([]BatchSearchResult, error)
func (c *Client) ReadIndex(ctx context.Context, b Bucket, q ReadIndexQuery) (*ReadIndexResponse, error)
func (c *Client) ReadItemMulti(ctx context.Context, b Bucket, pk string, sk string) ([]Item, CausalityToken, error)
func (c *Client) ReadItemSingle(ctx context.Context, b Bucket, pk string, sk string) (Item, CausalityToken, error)
Review the K2V API spec and the integration tests in this module for complete examples.